
It's a beautiful day here in lovely Camp Liberty, as you can tell from these two photos I've chosen to upload. Sandstorms are one of those pleasant bits of local color one can expect if one makes a trip -- voluntary or not -- to the Middle East. (We've all decided to adopt a new Glass is Half Full view of our deployment -- we were not involuntarily sent to Iraq under indefinite orders -- non, mis amis -- we have been given the luxury of a 12 month paid vacation to an exotic semi-tropical locale with a charming local populace and plenty of historic sites to see, if you don't mind the occasional exploding car. Oh, and the sand flies are a real bitch.)
Both of these photos were taken from my front porch -- unfortunately, I don't think either really captures the true je ne sais quoi of the situation. It's orange outside. Orange. The sky is not supposed to be that color. While I am not a religious girl, I have been known to skim the gorier parts of the Holy Writ upon occasion, and one thing I've gleaned from my somewhat ghoulish obsession with the Book of Revelation is this: when the sky turns the same color as a tangerine, that is generally an indication that you need to start checking small children for demonic possession and dousing all household pets in holy water. (Okay, that last part I got from Pet Cemetary -- but still, totally relevant, right?)
Religions are so weird -- most embrace life, embrace life's work, and speak in appropriately glowing terms about a wonderful afterlife where we will be free from all pain and all suffering. I'm not trying to prosthelytize here, I subscribe to the Live-and-Let-Live religious philosophy, I just think this is a really pretty piece of writing:
- 7:16
- They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat.
- 7:17
- For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.
Anyway, let me tell you, this Apocalypse thing sounds like a show worth seeing. Devils rising out of the fiery pit led by creatures with their hair in flames, with huge leathery wings and swords bathed in fire, faces like destroyer angels and tails like the stinger of a scorpion? A lake of blood from which all the corpses in hell will be vomited forth to walk the Earth? Plagues to afflict the unfaithful? If you're part of the club, that could be a serious "I told you so" moment, couldn't it? "Ha! Mabel, you wanted to worship the Greek Gods when I tried to get you to come to Church! Where's Zeus now, bitch?"
Honestly, that's what the Book of Revelation reads like -- a vindictive rallying cry for all persecuted Christians by the prophet John, who had a wicked nightmare one night and decided to share. John is speaking directly to his followers, and the gist of his 22 chapter book is this: "They may be feeding us to the lions right now but stick with us and you won't be roasted alive by the twisted denizens of Hell over the ruins of Babylon like all those other Schmoes. Boys and girls, you just wait until Jesus gets back. He's going to kick some serious unbeliever ass."
Let's go through some of the more cheerful end-of-the-world scenarios:
1) acharit hayamim (end of days). This is the Jewish vision of the Apocalypse, and it's almost identical to the Christian version, since the Christian version was developed back in the days when the Holy Rollers were still swiping their best material from the Kosher Klub. In the Talmud, which is the book of Jewish law (the interpretative text for the Torah, which Christians will recognize as the first 5 books of their Bible) it is stated that the world will only last for 6 thousand years, so if one goes by the more creative Creationist standards our number is pretty much up. Some extremists have calculated the death date as the year 2240, if you're interested. I wasn't particularly, but hey, to each his own. I live to educate.
2) Qiyamah. This is the Islamic version of the end times. It parallels the Jewish and Christian version very closely, with the arrival of a teacher who will establish an empire of Allah on earth, as well as a Beast who will mark the faces of the unbelievers. What is awesome about the early Muslims is they figured out the day of Armaggedon based on solid mathematical principles -- no bandying about with iffy prophecies and arguing over signs written in blood for these guys, no sir -- they were scientists. You can view the formula at, along with a truly hilarious account of the history of apocalyptic study (known as eschatology -- hence the title of this blogspot).
3) The Age of Kali. The Hindus really know how to party. Not only do they have more Gods and Goddesses living in their Cosmic stratasphere than we have people in DC, their gods have some serious personality. Take Kali, for instance, who is one of the aspects of Devi. This is one of the other reasons I love Hinduism -- their gods have multiple personality disorder. One minute, she's Devi, the Supreme Mother, the next, she's Shakti, the beautiful goddess of love and sex, and then before you can say "Ramayana" she's morphed into a black-skinned, multi-armed Bitch Demon Killer from Hell, with dripping fangs and truly questionable taste in human-bone jewelry. There is a metaphor in there for human women, but I am not going to touch it with a 10 foot pole. *Insert Joke Here* Anyway, we're currently living in the Age of Kali, which explains all the strife, war, famine and general nastiness that infects our planet like a virulent foot fungus. It won't be any time soon, but eventually we're going to get overloaded with bad karma, and the Big Guys upstairs will decide to give us a Cosmic enema to reboot our chakras and promote spiritual colon health. At this point, squeaky clean and perhaps walking a little funny, we will enter the Fifth Age.
Let's just hope the Powers That Be give us a little warning that the end is coming, no matter what form it takes -- I bet humanity would throw one bitching "Going Out of Business" party.
until next time...