Is this thing on?
Moving on.
I made it home from Iraq safely -- good for me, good for Uncle parentals and such breathed a collective sigh of relief when my shapely, desert-clad derrierre landed in Savannah January last. The last few months of my personal Iraq saga ended not with a bang, but a whimper. We moved from our cushy little trailers with air conditioning and cable hookups (war is HELL) to shabby little "transition tents" on the opposite end of our operating base. The last month or so was an exercise in boredom, as our only job was not to get hit by a stray mortar round while waiting for the Air Force to rustle up our flight to Kuwait.
It's actually kind of funny -- now that I'm home, I don't care to know ANYTHING about the war in Iraq, how the troops are doing, what's going on...not a thing. I refuse to watch "Baghdad ER" on HBO, by all accounts an absolutely riveting new show, because the thought of seeing bloodied and broken GIs disturbs me past all reckoning. Maxim, Men's Health, and all those other rags will insist on having articles on soldier-stuff...typical menfolk, wanting to read about things going boom in the desert...when will you Manly-Men realize that war isn't a bit fun? Not a bit glamorous, not a bit heroic. It's small and dirty and scary and it smells bad and when people die, it's tragic in a stupid way, not in a let's-build-a-monument way. I know less than a lot of people, I saw less than a lot of people, and the regular-Joe's fascination with Iraq annoys the piss out of me. I HATE talking about it, I hate reading about it, I hate listening to people who've never been over there PONTIFICATE about anyway, I actually didn't realize the Air Force had bombed the snot out of Zarqawi until my mother mentioned it over the phone.
It seemed funny to me at the time. Maybe it's just sad.
I spent a couple of months partying my rear end off. Went to Jenna Jameson's Pajama Party at the Hard Rock in Fort Lauderdale. Saw Ron Jeremy there...he's about 300 pounds and smells like diapers filled with Indian food, but he was covered in buxom blonde girls like his johnson was giftwrapped in fifty dollars bills. Who knows, maybe it was. Jenna's much cuter in person than in the videos (er...or so I was told...) and had an entourage of skantily clad young porn stars whose job it was to break a few public decency laws up against the walls of the club for the scintillation of the drunk and disorderly. The young Porn Queen herself looked mightily bored by the whole proceeding (girls in various states of undress, free flowing booze and drugs, much groping and exchanging of bodily any high school prom afterparty, with fake tits) and spent most of the evening playing her Game Boy while near-fornication went on around her. I could understand her ennui...the girls fucks for a living, watching people worship at the altar of her vagina must get a little bit old. I wonder if she ever just wants to cuddle?
Anyway, after a few months partying like a rock star started to wear on can only run so many liters of vodka through one's liver before that liver starts to send up SOS messages. Mine is tapping out morse code against the walls of my abdomen. I destroyed myself several times -- once or twice during a memorable weekend in Orlando (where one of my friends corrupted an ROTC cadet in town with a convention...that might be a topic for another post, with the names changed to protect the guilty), once or twice or three times running around Savannah like the world's worst idea of a sorority girl...ick. Got old. So I've been taking some weekends off...went to a wedding over Memorial Day weekend, went to Fort Lauderdale to meet the boyfriend's parents, and this weekend I'm at home for Father's Day. I'll try to dip my toes in the River of Iniquity that is Savannah's bar scene once again next weekend, but I can't say I'm too eager to down Jager shots like a champ or shake my admittedly well-formed backside on the dance floor...getting hammered and acting like a retard is an entertainment that wears thin quickly. Am I getting old? Or just growing lame? Time will tell, gentle readers.
Anyway, I'll have to sift through the news and see if I can't come up with a topic suitable enough to rant about in my next post...there's so much stupidity in the world, and I have so little patience...but I'm sure I'll come up with something at least mildly entertaining for your edification and enrichment.
Better than doing work, anyway.